Best Indoor Basketballs in 2020
Allright, lets get right into it. Its April 2020. We are in the midst of a global pandemic-related quarantine. The NBA Baskeball season is postponed/scrapped(?) however we still need to get our BBall fix. We are comparing some of the most popular Indoor Basketballs on the market in 2020 to try to shed some light on which ones do well in different situations.
There are plenty of good basketballs to choose from so rather than try to subjectively offer an opinion on which one is best, we are going to present the test results across a number of different stats and see how each measures up.
First, the Competitors:
- Wilson Evolution
- The Rock C2C
- Baden Elite
- Spalding Precision
- Spalding TF-1000
- Spalding NBA Game Ball
Next, the tests:
- Air Retention
- Grip
- Bounce Height
- Weight
- Price
We are dropping the charts right on you out the gate. Scroll down further for a little about each test + testing methodology. These tests were performed by Hoopfiend.com and we are summarizing the test results here
Air Retention: A ball may otherwise perform great however if you are having to constantly pump it back up to be in peak condition, that can get grating. Balls will lose air at different rates when in use so to perform a repeatable test, these results are testing a ball at rest for 24 hours. To ensure faster air loss (and thus simulate a poor/worst case scenario) the ball is being placed in a cold environment (a fridge). This also allows the temperature to be controlled and repeatable across all balls.
Grip: Or the 'palmability' of the ball. Multiple tests done with a timer to determine how long each ball could be palmed for.
Bounce Height: Each ball is dropped from the height of 44 inches and the results are the average of 5 drops
Ball Weight: Each basketball was inflated to 7 psi and weighed on a digital scale.
Price: Average market price based on Google Shopping data.
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